A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the

Right to information act
Sl.No. Bi-partite Committees Period Constitution/members/attendees Matters deliberated
1 Apex Committee Quarterly Chaired by Director In-charge (Burnpur & Durgapur Steel Plant)
Convened by GM (Pers. - CF & Rules)
Attended by:
1. All functional heads
2. Representatives of all 5 functioning Trade Unions
All matters pertaining to Safety, Production and Welfare matters like medical services, town service related matters, education and other IR matters
2 Zonal Joint Committee for Safety, Production and Welfare (ZJSPW) - Operation Zone Monthly Chaired by senior most CGM of Operation area
Convened by zonal in-charge of personnel department
Attended by:
1. Senior executives of operation departments
2. Executives from Safety and Civil departments
3. Representatives of all 5 functioning Trade Unions
Production, despatch, techno-economics, safety and welfare
3 Zonal Joint Committee for Safety, Production and Welfare (ZJSPW) - Maintenance & Services Zone Monthly Chaired by senior most CGM of M&S area
Convened by zonal in-charge of personnel department
Attended by:
1. Senior executives of Maintenance & Services departments
2. Executives from Safety and Civil departments
3. Representatives of all 5 functioning Trade
Maintenance activities, safety, production and welfare
4 Central committee for Safety, Production and Welfare (CCSPW) Quarterly Chaired by ED (Works)
Convened by GM (Pers.-Works)
Attended by:
1. ED (P&A), ED (M&HS), CGM (P&A), all CGMs of works area, senior executives of works area, zonal personnel in-charges
2. General Secretaries of 5 functioning Trade Unions
Production, despatch, techno-economics, Safety and Welfare
5 Bi-partite committee for Burnpur Hospital Quarterly Chaired by ED (M&HS)
Convened by GM (Pers. - Non Works)
Attended by:
1. Senior and middle level executives of Burnpur Hospital
2. Representatives of all 5 functioning Trade Unions
Burnpur hospital and medical service related matters
6 Bi-partite committee for Town Services department Quarterly Chaired by ED (P&A)
Convened by GM (Pers. - Non Works)
Attended by:
1. Senior and middle level executives of Town Services department
2. Representatives of all 5 functioning Trade Unions
Quarter allotment and maintenance (civil, electrical), safety and security, beautification, sanitation, maintenance of roads, estate matters and other town services related matters
7 Canteen Management Committee   Headed by GM (Pers. - CLC & HRIS)
1. Executive representatives of Personnel, Finance, Works, Safety Departments
2. 5 representatives of functioning Trade Unions
Inspection of canteen premises, quality of food, hygiene and other conditions
8 Departmental Safety Meetings Monthly Chaired by Concerned CGMs
Executives, Non-executives, SPE of the department
Departmental Representatives of Unions
Review of MoM of earlier meetings Discussion on new safety and welfare initiatives to be taken for the next month