The powers and duties of officers and employees
Powers of officers and employees
Chairman, SAIL has delegated some of his powers to the CEO of IISCO Steel Plant, who in turn has delegated powers to Executive Directors and General Managers under him for smooth execution of work. A comprehensive Delegation of Powers updated and compiled empowers the executives with necessary authority to discharge their responsibilities in time keeping commercial implications in mind.
The powers and duties of officers and employees of different areas depend on the activities and outputs of these departments. The Chief Executive Officer delegates administrative and financial powers to the various DROs to him as per Delegation of Power (DOP). The exercise of the powers is subject to budget provision, provisions of the Companies Act 1956 as amended from time to time, the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, the canons of financial propriety, the rules in force and the general policy as may be laid down from time to time. Budget provision is required to be ensured in all cases where financial commitments are involved.
However, in unavoidable cases, proposal if any is approved without the budget provision, on the condition that it the same is included in the revised budget. The DROs are authorized to sub-delegate, with the Concurrence of Finance, such of their powers (except where sub-delegation is not permitted) to their subordinates as may be considered expedient to ensure smooth and quick execution of their functional responsibilities. The officers to whom the powers are sub-delegated, while according approval have to exercise all checks and caution as a man of ordinary prudence is expected to do whilst spending his own money. The above officers, in cases, where they feel necessary have to take the advice of the Law Department before finalising any contract, purchase order etc. Delegation of Powers is operative as per stipulation in PP-2000 including amendment from time to time
Duties of officers and employees
The officers have to perform the following duties:
- Long-term strategic planning.
- Policy formulation at the Plant level, determining action plans for implementation of policies and ensuring their fulfilment.
- Achieving clarity and organizational commitment on objectives, goals and plans of action.
- Developing norms of performance in every functional area and securing commitment to progressively improved norms.
- Ensuring smooth and efficient operations and achievement of optimal performance of existing resources. Ensuring fulfilment of targets and orderly growth of the company. Organizational development to maximize efficiency of the Company.
- Reviewing performance of each zone with respect to targets and suggesting corrective action where necessary.
- Development of a well-motivated workforce and a highly competent managerial cadre in the Company.
- Development of computerized databank and MIS at all levels within the organization to assist in problem-identification and problem-solving.
- Projection of image befitting the image of the organisation. ISP and SAIL through various local media.
- Adhere to SAIL Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules as applicable.
The employees are posted in different departments depending upon the need and requirement of the department. They are expected to discharge the responsibilities and functions in their assigned areas, and contribute to the Section/ Department where they are posted and to the Plant. They are required to discharge their duties as per rules, guidelines, procedure, practices etc. prevalent in the organization. The job profile of the employees and officers are as per requirement of the Plant, and change from time to time, depending upon the exigencies of the Plant. They’re required to adhere to the Standing Orders as is applicable to them during the course of their employment.