Current Financial Year ended on 31.03.2022 |
Revenue from Operations |
11513.47 |
Other Income |
79.00 |
Stock transfer to other units |
687.31 |
Total Income (A) |
12279.78 |
Cost of materials consumed |
7139.00 |
Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods and WIP |
207.90 |
Employee Benefits expense |
939.77 |
Finance Cost |
191.28 |
Depreciation and amortisation expense |
798.07 |
Share of expenditure over income |
Corporate Office |
69.22 |
51.51 |
1.15 |
Other expenses |
2246.02 |
Total Expenses |
11643.92 |
Profit /(Loss) before Exceptional items & tax |
635.86 |
Less: Exceptional items |
Volantary Retirement Compensation |
0.00 |
Others |
0.00 |
Profit/(Loss)for the year |
635.86 |
Add: |
Other Comprehensive Income: |
Items that will not be reclassified to profit and loss |
Remeasurements of post employment benfit obligations |
25.96 |
Total Comprehensive Income/(Loss)for year |
661.82 |